High season prices
Following is a detailed list of Israel’s high season:
30/3-7/4/2018 - Pesach (Passover)
19-21/5/2018 - Shavuot (Pentecost)
1/7-31/8/2018 - Summer
9-12/9/2018 - Rosh Hashana (New Year)
18-19/9/2018 - Yom Kipur (day of atonement)
22-30/9/2018 - Succoth (Tabernacles)
If you choose to travel during peak season it is important to take into account the following recommendations so that we can plan a better travel experience for you. We will give your application the individual attention it deserves and consider your preferences in depth. It is important to consult with us and determine a suitable quote for the prices are different and may be, in some cases, a lot higher during high demand periods. It is wise to make contact and book accommodation well in advance and we strongly suggest at least 3 months pre-travel preparation. There are several constraints that make it difficult at this time of the year and there may be slight variations to the trails but we are committed to offering you the best possible solution.