Travel Tips to Israel
To ensure maximum enjoyment from the experience
We sincerely recommend that hikers prepare well by becoming familiar with most of the hazards and safety tips involved so they can hike successfully
Please read the following information carefully. It contains important details to help you get ready for your trip of a lifetime.
What you really need to know beyond the bare facts:
It can be spotted from two directions and you can usually see the next way mark along the way on stones, rocks, stakes, tin signs, fence posts, trees etc. There are several other trails marked by other colours such as, for example, the Israel National Trail which goes the length of the country from north to south for 1000 km. The Israel National Trail is abbreviated to INT in our guidelines. A detailed explanation of the markings can be found in the pack received by all those who travel with Walkinnisrael.
Since Israel is a small densely populated country, relatively speaking, all the trails pass close by to inhabited areas (apart from desert trails in the Negev which will be referred to separately). So in urgent cases or emergencies you can get help quickly and easily. It is important to know that rescue forces in Israel are trained, equipped and very skilled, so just in case they are needed rest assured that you will receive fast and effective treatment.
You can always call our office during regular business hours. As part of the preparation for the trip, there must be at least one cell phone in the group so that we can stay in close contact with you and offer help in navigating or finding the way. Although in our experience you will reach your destination easily and safely with the advanced GPS, to give our travelers maximum peace of mind, Walkinnisrael provides a telephone number which operates 24/7 designed for people who require emergency intervention.
We consider comprehensive travel insurance with a reputable company to be essential and require you to provide us no later than two weeks before the start of the trip with details of your insurance policy and medical emergency telephone number. You should ensure that the insurance you purchase covers the activities Walkinnisrael provides during your holiday and is adequate for your particular needs.